Industrial visit to 220kV Receiving Station Hindalco, Belagavi
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Angadi Institute of Technology & Management, Belagavi, Organized Industrial visit for 4th and 6th semester students to 220kV Receiving Station, Hindalco, Belagavi on 22/06/2024. Under the expert guidance of Mr. M N Sutar, Assistant Executive Engineer(AEE), our 4th and 6th semester Electrical and Electronics Engineering students embarked on a transformative journey to Hindalco’s impressive 220kV station.
Sir explained students about the brief history of electric power generation and then the technical aspects of transmission lines, distribution lines, single line diagrams, feeders and control panels. In the further part of the visit, students were taken to the actual field, observed various protective devices like Circuit breakers,CTs,PTs ,Isolators,Lightning Arresters and from transformer yards to control rooms, every aspect of the station showcased the intersection of technology and innovation in the power sector.
This visit has not only enriched our academic journey but also inspired us to strive for excellence in our field.
Prof.Rajendra Ghivari, Prof. Vinayachandrika Kale and Prof. Manjushree Havannavar from Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department accompanied the students to the Industrial visit.
Our sincere thanks to HOD, Prof. Kantesh D C for encouraging the students and staff to visit the plant.
Our sincere thanks to Dr. Spoorti Patil, Director SAEF, Shri Raju Joshi Administrator SAEF, Dr. Anand Deshpande, Principal & Director, AITM for their kind support in organizing the industrial visit.