0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Research Policy

 Preamble

Angadi Institute of Technology and Management focuses on promoting Research Culture by complementing it with teaching – learning in which freedom of inquiry, thought, expression and publication are given the fullest protection.

 Research Policy of the College

The Research policy document presents broad principles that guide the research activities upholding the integrity of scholarly inquiry that helps the faculty and students in achieving excellence and contributing to the societal development.

 Aims and Objectives

The research policy aims to create and support a research culture among its staff and students and leverage it for enriching and enhancing the professional competence by:

  1. Developing and promoting scientific temper and research aptitudes of all learners.
  2. Realizing the vision and mission of the college and facilitating their participation in research and related activities
  3. Providing the required resources and appropriate facilities for smooth conduct of Research
  4. Strengthen the institutional capacity for planning, budgeting and control all the research activities of the college
  5. Fostering socially relevant research and promote multidisciplinary research
  6. Developing rules, procedures and guidelines for granting research support, instituting awards, and supporting all other research related activities
  7. Guiding faculty members in the effective integration of research projects with the regular curriculum implementation and enrichment activities
  8. Promoting interdisciplinary research and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects covering more than one knowledge domain as well as policies for involving external agencies/experts in such projects
  9. Identifying, collaborating and establishing linkages including MOUs with National/International/Govt/ Non-Govt/ Industry/ Research organizations and Local agencies to benefit from the activities and programmes conducted by those organisations for widening the scope of the research opportunities, obtaining sponsorships and funding options available.
  10. Encouraging and facilitating the publication of the research work/projects in reputed academic journals
  11. Serving as a facilitator to provide professional guidance, technical support and recommendation for financial assistance
  12. To create awareness about patents and intellectual property rights and assists them in applying.
  13. Compiling data on all the research work/projects undertaken by the teachers and students in to a database for easy monitoring and analysis of the progress being made by them from year to year.
  14. Drawing and adopting a research code, which informs all researchers about the ethical and legal norms and principles to be followed in the conduct of research.
  15. Preparing and implement a research quality assurance mechanism for ensuring that all research activities of the college conform to standard quality specifications.

 Scope of the Research Policy

This policy shall apply to all the researchers of the college and for the purpose of this policy ‘researchers’ are defined to include.

  • All staff, temporary and permanent, who are active in teaching and research in the college;
  • All students registered with the college
  • All mentors, guides, external experts associated with any of the research activities of the college.

This policy shall apply to all the research and related activities of the college and for the purpose of this policy research and related activities will include

  1. Research activities including basic and applied research undertaken for fulfilling the requirements of academic degrees
  2. Scholarly activities intended to expand knowledge boundaries by analysis, synthesis and interpretation of ideas and information by making use of rigorous methodologies
  3. Knowledge compilation for academic developments in any knowledge domain such as writing of textbooks, chapters of textbooks or developing /updating curriculum, etc.
  4. Research projects of students undertaken as part of the curriculum or for enriching it
  5. Publications and presentations on research related topics.

 Quality Assurance in Research (QAR)

Comprises all the techniques, systems and resources that are deployed to give assurance about the care and control with which research has been conducted. QAR is typically concerned with:

  • The responsibilities of those involved in the research
  • Training and competence of research staff
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Research records
  • Funding acquisition from the university is 75 % and from AITM is25%
  • Paid Leaves for attending conferences, seminars, exams etc.
  • 50 % Reimbursement of the conference registration fee


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

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0831 243 8123/100

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