0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Purchase Committee


  • The institute may have single Purchase Committee at institute level dealing with all the purchases of equipment/ items or may have both departmental Purchase Committee as well as Institute Purchase committee based on the estimated cost of procurement.
  • Institute level purchase committee may consist of but not limited to, HOD of major departments, Finance officer, and two faculty members.
  • Department concerned shall also appoint committee for testing the equipment delivered.


  • All purchase is made against properly authorized requisitions, and valid sanctions, showing the correct and detailed end-use.
  • All the materials requisitioned are duly ordered from the right source after full enquiries on most competitive price taking into account the trade discounts and tax benefits etc.
  • Deliveries of all goods are received within the stipulated period.


  • Once the committee has been established, one member should be allocated the responsibility of chairing the meeting.
  • A Committee Head should also be appointed to record the relevant information.
  • Documentation should be prepared in advance of the meeting to ensure efficiency in the process itself.
  • If the Purchase is above Rs. 10,000/-Meeting should be conducted.


  • Department wise submitted Indent/Requisition should scrutiny by Purchase Officer.
  • After Scrutiny of the indents purchase officer should inform to committee members for requirement. Also he should collect the quotations from different vendors.
  • Preparation of Comparative Statements as received quotation from the Vendors
  • Purchase Officer should call for meeting regarding procurement and finalisation of the required materials.
  • Meeting should end in a discussion which should enable to finalise the placing of order.
  • Conclusion of order: After negotiation with eligible vendors.
  • Purchase officer should follow-up with the final vendor until procurement of goods or material in a proper condition to the Institute.
  • It should be made arrangement to reach the proper department and recording in the Stock Register of respective Department along numbering in the manner.
  • Verifying the Bill with delivery challan and should be submitted to the Accounts Department for final payment.

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Role
1. Shri. Raju Joshi Chairperson
2. Dr. Anand B. Deshpande Secretary
3. Shri. Premnath Javali Convener
4. Shri. Kiran Koraddi Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :