0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in


Angadi Institute of Technology & Management, Polytechnic, Belagavi was established in the year 2013, under Suresh Angadi Education Foundation’s by Sri Suresh Angadi MP Belagavi Lokasabha & State Minister of Railways of India, a great visionary & philanthropist to provide quality technical education to the rural youth. Institute offers 3 years Diploma Engineering & Technology in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering.The institute is approved by AICTE New Delhi & Directorate of Technical Education, Bangalore & affiliated to Board of Technical Examination, Bangalore.

Institute has well established laborites, class rooms and highly qualified and dedicated teaching and nonteaching faculty. Institute offers following courses, Aluminai of Diploma are doing well in reputed companies and joined for higher studies also some have become entrepreneur.

Mechanical Engineering

To develop a program with excellence in teaching, learning to produce globally compatible diplomats with ethical values as per the need of stake holders

The mission of the Mechanical Engineering Program is to benefit the society at large by

M1: Imparting quality technical education to students by providing excellent Teaching learning Environment and through competitive curriculum in collaboration with industry.

M2: Able to apply basic and contemporary science, engineering and innovative skills to identify problems in the industry and academia and be able to develop practical solution to them

M3: Providing experiences in leadership, teamwork, communications — oral, written and hands-on activities, with the help of structured and unstructured real life projects.

M4: Encouraging ethical values and leadership abilities in the minds of students so as to work towards the growth of the society.

Civil Engineering

To be an academically competent institution with a focus on Research, Creativity and Humanity.


M1: Embark student to new ideas and understanding through transformative teaching and learning process.

M2: Encourage our faculties, students and Alumni for free and ethical exchange of ideas for exploration, innovation and funding.

M3: Develop care, interest and service attitude in students with our deep connect and contribution to society.


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

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