0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Research and Development (R&D)


  • To motivate, build and promote out of box thinking, development of innovative ideas. To build an environment which is made available at the Angadi Institute of Technology and Management, Belagavi (SAEF, Belagavi) that will facilitate the creation of young researchers around the academic and to facilitate the needfulness of the industry..”
  • New Venture Creation through Research based activities and provide support to the areas of Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, and Allied sectors of Basic Sciences like Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
  • Assist in technology commercialization, developed in the academic and R & D institutions to reach the end users.
  • Interfacing and Networking between academic, R & D institutions, industries and enhancing value addition to the institutional growth.


  • Creating a collaborative environment between industry and academia through joint research projects and consulting assignments.
  • Encouraging and enabling the faculties to carry out of R&D activities to potential needs of organizational growth.
  • Facilitate knowledge creation, innovation and entrepreneurship activities.

Associated Responsibilities:

  • Enabling development of high quality personnel and motivating researchers to grow professionally within organizations through Research and Development Activities. Faculties and research scholars needs to publish at least 1 (scopus/ECI/ESCI/Clariavtes/Wos) papers in each semester and 1 conference proceedings (Scopus) in each semester.
  • Further research Guide encourage scholars and other faculty members of the to participate in State level and National level conferences, symposium, workshops, IP related activities, collaborative research programs comes under State Governments and Government of India . Applying for the various Govt of India and Govt of Karnataka funding. Further they need to publish at least 2 (scopus/ECI/ESCI/Clariavtes/Wos) papers in each semester and 2 conference proceedings/book chapters (Scopus) in each semester.


  • Networking with Research Laboratories (For Knowledge diffusion and day to day interactions).
  • Promote the research scholars to participate in international/national conferences, symposium, etc
  • Promoting senior research professors for carrying out schematic experimentation and support to publish their findings in reputed journals.
  • Promoting young students for carrying out research activities in the established R&D centers.

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Role
1. Dr. Anand Deshpande Principal and Director
2. Dr. Vinayak Adimule Convener
3. Dr. BT Suresh Babu Member
4. Dr. Kiran Potadar Member
5. Mr. Manjunath Patil Member
6. Mr. Sriram KV Member
7. Mr. Malgouda Patil Member
8. Mr. Kantesh DC Member
9. Mr. Prabhudev C Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :