0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Central Mentoring/Counseling Committee


Young adults nowadays are faced with a number of issues related to academics and otherwise during their student life. They are in need of an outlet to express their emotional upheavals. This is where a student counselor comes into picture. We have a regular counselor. The most common issues faced by students are related to time management, stress management, peer pressure, procrastination, body language, communication skills etc. One-to-one counseling sessions with the student counselor helps our students to sort out these issues and unburden themselves of their problems.


  • To advice the mentees on how to accomplish their goals.
  • To encourage the mentees in tough subjects and insist them to spend more time on such subjects.
  • Conduct at 3 meetings with mentees in a semester and collect information in a given number.
  • After completions of Internal Assessment respective mentors will council the students regarding their performances, collect the Grievances and try to resolve them, Grievances of higher nature are to be brought to the notice of HOD/Principal.
  • IA marks & VTU exam marks scored by mentees to be discussed individually and to be encouraged to do better.
  • Mentees of advanced learners are to be encouraged for training and placement activities GATE exam and publishing technical papers in National/International conferences, inter-institute competitions, mini/ major projects.
  • Mentees of slow learner are to be encouraged for better academics.
  • All relevant VTU work i.e., Registration of students, exam form filling and revaluation etc.

SOP for Allocation of Mentor-Mentee:

  • At the beginning of Odd semester of an Academic year mentor-mentee allocation is done by the department mentorship coordinator in consultation with HOD.
  • The allocated mentor mentee list will remain same till the mentees complete their 8th semester (Final semester). If a mentee becomes a year back still, he/she remains with the same mentor.
  • The total No. of mentees under a mentor depends on the total No. of students enrolled at the odd semester.

Associated Activities:

By making the sessions light and interactive, the student counselor creates a conducive environment for the students to facilitate effective communication. Counseling helps the students concentrate better on their studies without getting emotionally drained by other issues.


  • The member Secretary, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, shall prepare a provisional agenda for meeting.
  • It shall be circulated to all Members of the Committee two days before meeting.
  • All the decisions should be taken on the basis of majority.
  • After the meeting, the Committee shall approve a report embodying its views, recommendations and decisions.
  • Maintain records of the committee in a separate file with supporting documents (notice/photos/Statistical data /minutes of meeting).

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Designation Role
1. Dr. Anand Deshpande Principal Chairman
2. Mr. Malagouda Patil Assistant Professor IQAC
3. Mr. Ravi B Tilaganji Assistant Professor Convener
4. Mr. Kiran Korradi Assistant Professor Member
5. Mr. Chetan Patil Assistant Professor Member
6. Mrs. Priyanka Sheelavantar Assistant Professor Member
7. Mrs. Savita M. Bani Assistant Professor Member
8. Mr. Satish Changonda Assistant Professor Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :