0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee


The members of the Women’s Cell only constitute the Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell. The objectives of the committee to prevent:

  • Gender discrimination,
  • Sexual harassment, and
  • Promote gender harmony, gender justice and full-fledged support to person in trouble. Gender discrimination is a situation in which a person is treated less because of their biological difference or sex difference. This is usually referred to a woman being treated less compared to their men counterpart.

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behavior such as

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favors
  • Showing pornography
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.


Receive and redress complaints received from any member of the institute (including students, research scholars, staff, hostel residents and outsiders on institute premises) alleging sexual harassment by another member(s) of the institute.

Associated Activities:

  • Organize awareness programmes and campaigns for the benefit of all members of the College on sexual harassment and gender based discrimination.
  • Conduct formal inquiry and investigate and take decisions upon each complaint and recommend appropriate punishment or action to be taken, by the appropriate authority, in each instance
  • The Cell also is expected to organize interactive sessions and informal meetings with students to attend to their personal grievances


  • The member Secretary, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Committee, shall prepare a provisional agenda for meeting.
  • It shall be circulated to all Members of the Committee two days before meeting.
  • All the decisions should be taken on the basis of majority.
  • In the event of any conflict the matter shall be referred to the Director and Principal whose decision on the matter shall be final.
  • Within Seven days after the date of the meeting the Secretary of the Committee shall send a copy of the minutes, as approved by the Chairperson of the meeting, to the Chairperson of the Constituting Authority and to all the Members of the Committee.
  • Maintain records of the committee in a separate file with supporting documents (notice/photos/ Statistical data /minutes of meeting).

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Role
1. Dr. Anand Deshpande Chairperson
2. Mrs. Avanti Patil Convener
3. Mrs. Dhanashree Kulkarni Member
4. Mrs. Sheetal Pawar Member
5. Miss Manjushree H Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :