0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in


The Examination Committee is an apex body of the Institute which is headed by Examination coordinator, and is facilitated by two sections: Examination, Record Maintenance.


To help and ensure smooth and orderly conduct of examinations in the institute as per guidelines issued by the Visvesvaraya Technological University from time to time.


  • To carry out examinations, publish results to the students who pass the final examinations.
  • Keeping record of each and every issue related to the examinations.


  • Any Circular, Guideline, Office Order, Notification received by the College are processed in the Examination cell, reply thereof prepared and after Principal’s signature dispatched to the University.
  • Examination Notices received from the University are duly served to all concerned.
  • The notices for University indicating details regarding fee collection, the last date of fee collection, modalities of payments of fine etc.
  • The Examination Cell coordinates the conduct of Internal Examinations as well as University Examinations for all the UG and PG programmes.
  • Preparation of smooth conduct of examinations, preparation of time table, invigilation duty chart, seat allotment in the examination halls etc.
  • During the examination time, proper staff mobilization, assigning the duty as per the duty chart already prepared.
  • After the results of various examinations received from the University, distribution of marks sheets to students.

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Role
1. Dr. Anand Deshpande Chairperson
2. Mr. Kantesh D C Member Secretary
3. Mr. Rajendra Ghivari Member
4. Mr. Prasad. P Member
5. Mr. Basavaraj Hiremath Member
6. Mr. Chetan Pitagi Member
7. Mr. Prem Javali Member
8. Mr. Vilas Jarali Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :