0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Admission Committee 


To encourage the young, talented students to pursue their career in engineering, technology and management courses.


  • To prepare the admission planning and execution for the academic year.
  • To evaluate the work of the admission committee.
  • To enlist student participation and confirmation of admissions.

Associated Activities:

  • The committee may prepare list of colleges to visit regarding promotional activities like, career guidance programme, assisting students to prepare for qualifying examination, educating them regarding engineering, technology and management courses.
  • Preparation of sub committees to execute the planning done by admission committee.


  • The member coordinator, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, shall prepare a provisional agenda for meeting.
  • It shall be circulated to all Members of the Committee four days before meeting.
  • All the decisions should be taken on the basis of discussion.
  • After the meeting, the Committee shall approve a report embodying its views, recommendations and decisions.
  • Maintain records of the committee in a separate file with supporting documents (notice/ Statistical data /minutes of meeting).

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Role
1. Dr. Anand Deshpande Chairperson
2. Mr. Raju Joshi Mgmt Representative
3. Dr. Kiran G Potadar Coordinator
4. Mr. Kiran Koraddi Member
5. Mr. Sagar Birje Member
6. Mr. Raviraj Chougla Member
7. Mrs. Dhanashree Kulkarni Member
8. Dr. Suryakumar Khannai Member
9. Dr. V C Hallur Member
10. Mr. Gururaj Tavildar Member
11. Mr. B M Patil Member
12. Mr. Girish Maddimani Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :