0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Placement & Training Activities

Cultural Committee


Cultural Committee/ event committee is responsible for keeping the spirits alive on the campus by organizing a multitude of cultural activities round the year. Be it celebration of almost every festival or frequent open air jamming sessions we make sure that every event last in your memory for a lifetime.


  • The college event Committee shall be responsible for all intra and inter collegiate events details in the College.
  • The Convener of the committee shall conduct a meeting of the committee on regular intervals to discuss and allot tasks.
  • Committee members should take every detail of the activity/event with two photographs.
  • Once the event is over Minutes of meeting should be prepared by the members.


  • To provide platform to students to exhibit their talents.
  • To provide entertainment to students.
  • To showcase their talents to outside world to get recognition.
  • To promote a dynamic cultural heritage that is preserved, used and developed.
  • To inculcate leadership qualities among students.


  • The member Secretary, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, shall prepare a provisional agenda for meeting.
  • After the meeting, the Committee members should contact to the department to collect the details of the events.
  • Maintain records of the committee in a separate file with supporting documents (invitation/photos/minutes of meeting).

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Role
1. Dr. Anand Deshpande Chairperson
2. Mr. Gautam Dematti Member secretary
3. Ms. Nikita Sankpal Student Member
4. Mr. Vikas Rudrapur Student Member
5. Mr. Laxmesh G Student Member
6. Ms. Aishwarya Student Member
7. Mr. Prajwal G Student Member
8. Ms. Sahana Dixit Student Member
9. Ms. Varsha Oswal Student Member
10. Mr. Pranav G Student Member
11. Mr. Aniket Kolkar Student Member
12. Mr. Amit Lohar Student Member
13. Ms. Isra Sahar Student Member
14. Mr. Omkar Kadolkar Student Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :