0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Women’s Forum


  • To bring gender equality in the institution in all areas.
  • Elimination of violence and discriminatory practices against women in the institution.
  • To mentor and provide role models to young students to attract them and to do well in the careers in science, technology and Management.
  • To conduct outreach programmes for socio economic development of rural women.
  • To help the women employees to achieve their full potential in their profession.


  • Sensitize the college community on the need of empowerment of women.
  • Create and maintain, safe, healthy and supportive environment for women in the campus.
  • Trace the women cell/CICC/Anti-sexual harassment committee is functioning in the institution as per the norms laid by AICTE/UGC/University.
  • Enable the College community understand the role of everyone in empowering women.

Associated Activities:

  • To organize workshops/seminars/webinars in general or on technical topics or in the wake empowerment of women.
  • Any other theme based activities and events concerning significant issues of women.


  • The member Coordinator, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, shall prepare a provisional agenda for meeting.
  • It shall be circulated to all members of the committee in prior to the meeting.
  • All the decisions should be taken on the basis of majority.
  • After the meeting, the Committee shall approve a report embodying its views, recommendations and decisions.
  • Maintain records of the committee in a separate file with supporting documents (notice/photos/ Statistical data /minutes of meeting).

Committee Members:

SI. No Name Role
1. Dr. Spoorti Angadi Patil Chairperson
2. Ms. Vinayachandrika Kale Convener
3. Mrs. Sheetal Pawar Member
4. Mrs. Priyanka Pujari Member
5. Mrs. Yasmeen N. Member
6. Mrs. Prafullata Member


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

Email Id :