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Inauguration of Mythology Club – 2023

Inauguration of Mythology Club – 2023, by the students of AITM, with the support of Mechanical Engineering Department.
The Inaugural ceremony of the Mythology Club was held on 20th February 2023. Mr. Amith Kulkarni, Agriculture Research and Development was the chief guest, Dr. Kiran Potadar, HOD, Mathematics Department was the Guest of honour, Prof. Aravind Muddebihal, Head of Department, Mechanical Department, Prof. R. H. Angadi, Club coordinator presided the function.
The introduction to chief guest was delivered by Miss. Ranjita followed by address by Prof. Aravind Muddebihal on Mythology Club activity.
Mr. Amith Kulkarni shared his experience and knowledge of Vedic science practice in agriculture research and also about importance of good food. Dr. Kiran Potadar, HOD Mathematics, addressed the students and motivated them to apply science in the field of agriculture.
The function concluded with the vote of thanks by Miss. Shruti. The event was graced by all Deans, HOD’s and staff of AITM. We thank our Management, Dr. Spoorti Patil, Director, SAEF, Shri Raju Joshi, Administrator, SAEF, Dr. Anand B. Deshpande, Principal & Director, AITM for their constant support in organizing the event.
The event was coordinated by Mr. R. H. Angadi, Asst Professor, Mechanical Engineering department.


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