Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Angadi Institute of Technology and Management(AITM) in association with Belagavi ACM Chapter
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Angadi Institute of Technology and Management (AITM), Belagavi, successfully organized a comprehensive hands-on workshop as part of Belpy’ 24 on June 6, 2024, in association with Belagavi ACM Chapter. The workshop covered various topics aimed at enhancing the technical skills and knowledge of the participants.
The workshop featured the following sessions:
Cyber Forensics using Python: Conducted by Mr. Gajendra Deshpande, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at AITM, this session delved into the application of Python in cyber forensics, providing participants with practical skills and insights into the field.
RegEx: A Hands-on Approach for Beginners: Led by Mrs. Swarooprani Manoor from KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, India, this session focused on regular expressions, equipping beginners with essential techniques for pattern matching and text processing.
Learning of Python Internals: Presented by K Paramesha from Kalpataru Institute of Technology, India, this session explored the intricacies of Python’s internal workings, offering participants a deeper understanding of the language’s core functionalities.
Data Mining with Orange and Python: Again facilitated by Mr. Gajendra Deshpande, this session introduced data mining concepts and practical applications using Orange, a data visualization and analysis tool, alongside Python.
The workshop provided an excellent platform for students, professionals, and enthusiasts to gain hands-on experience and expand their expertise in these critical areas of computer science.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at AITM extends its gratitude to the speakers for their valuable contributions and to all the participants for their enthusiastic involvement.