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Guest Talk on “Opportunities in Environmental Sector”

Department of Civil Engineering, Angadi Institute of Technology and Management – AITM, Belagavi had organized a Technical Talk on “Opportunities in Environmental Sector”, the event was held on 09th October 2023.
By Environmental Engineer
Prof. Rajendrakumar V. Saraf, Rtn. Pune.
Prof. R. V. Saraf shared his thoughts about Generation & Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide and Green Building – New Approach.
The session was highly interactive, with students actively participating in discussions and asking questions.
Students of Civil Engineering Department AITM, Diploma and Angadi School of Architecture were present for the session.
Head of Civil Engineering Department Dr. G. S. Manjunath welcomed the guest, Prof. M. V. Kanthi gave a brief introduction of Prof. R. V. Saraf, the vote of thanks was presented by Prof. Kiran S. Koraddi.


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

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