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Guest Talk on “Object Detection”

Guest Talk on “Object Detection”
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) organized a Guest talk on “Object Detection” by the Resource person, Mr. Rajat Doddawadkar, Associate Software Engineer, Clarivate Whitefield, Bangalore on 30.12.2022.
Prof. Dhanashree Kulkarni, HOD, Computer Science and Engineering, AITM welcomed the resource person, Mr. Rajat Doddawadkar.
Mr. Rajat Doddawadkar highlighted the concepts of Object Detection , Data preparation, Image Annotation and its practical Implementation. Sir also briefed about Image Segmentation and as to how object detection applications include pedestrian detection, animal detection, vehicle detection, people counting, face detection, text detection, pose detection, or number-plate recognition. And as to the goal of object detection is to scan digital images or real-life scenarios to locate instances of every object, separate them, and analyze their necessary features for real-time predictions.
We thank our Management, Dr. Spoorti Patil, Director, SAEF, Shri Raju Joshi, Administrator, Dr. Anand Deshpande, Principal & Director of AITM for their constant support in organizing the event.
The event was coordinated by Prof. Gautam Dematti, Association Coordinator, CSE and Prof. Rekha Saboji, Event Coordinator, CSE.


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