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Guest talk on “Cloud based Technologies in context of digitization of manufacturing industries”

Guest talk on ” Cloud based Technologies in context of digitization of manufacturing industries/ Industry 4.0 / PLM/ PDM “
Angadi Institute of Technology and Management, Belagavi organized a Guest talk on ” Cloud based technologies in context of digitization of manufacturing industries/ PDM ” on 17th November 2022 at 2.00 p.m.
The Guest speakers for the Guest Talk were Mr. Edward Conroy, Advisory member, Crevavi Technologies pvt.Ltd. Germany and Dr. Shirish Kerur, Consultant, Crevavi Technologies pvt.Ltd. Belagavi.
The outcome of the talk was to understand about the latest technological developments around the world. Become aware of skills that need to be imbibed to be industry ready. Learn about the importance of embedded systems, latest programming languages, IoT, Digital Thread and Digital Twin technology etc. Understand the meaning and implementation of Industry 4.0.
We thank our management Dr. Spoorti Angadi Patil, Director of Suresh Angadi Foundation (SAEF), Shri Raju Joshi, Administrator, SAEF, Belagavi and Dr. Anand Deshpande, Principal & Director, AITM, Belagavi for their constant support and guidance in conducting the event.


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

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0831 243 8123/100

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