0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Talk on “Intellectual Property Rights and It’s Protection ”

Angadi Institute of Technology and Management (AITM), Savagaon Road, Belagavi successfully organized Talk on “Intellectual Property Rights and It’s Protection” for the students of AITM on 22.07.2022 @ 11:00 AM.
The Resource Person for the Talk was Mr. Abhishek Singh, Examiner of Patents & Designs , Patent Office, Chennai.
The objective of the talk was to brief students about the IPR Details , Filing Procedure and Types.
The guest of honour for the event were Dr. Anand Deshpande, Principal & Director, AITM, Prof. Kiran Koraddi, Dean Academics, AITM and Prof Sagar Birje, HOD, CSE Department and the event coordinator was Prof Rajeshwari Kisan, Assistant Professor, CSE Department, AITM.
More than 250+ students participated in the event.
On behalf of the Management, Administrator, Principal we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Resource Person, Mr. Abhishek Singh.


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

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