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Ingenious’ 2024

Ingenious’ 2024- Project Exhibition and Poster presentation competition
National Science Day
On the occasion of “National Science day” Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Angadi Institute of Technology and Management -AITM, Belagavi successfully organized Project Exhibition and Poster Competition “Ingenious 2024” on 28th February 2024.
The exhibition was inaugurated by chief guest Dr. Veena Desai, Professor, Dept of CSE, AITM and guest of honor Dr. Virupaxi Dalal, Associate Professor , JCER, Belagavi in the presence of Dr. Anand Deshpande, Principal & Director, AITM, Dr. D.H.Rao, Academic advisor, AITM, Dr. Dhanashree Kulkarni,Dean Academics and HOD, CSE Department, Prof. Raviraj Chougala, HOD, ECE Department , all staff and students of AITM.
Major objective of organizing this exhibition was to provide the platform and unleash the potential of the students by showcasing their innovative projects . Students from all the departments participated with great fervor and enthusiasm. More than 80 projects were a part of the exhibition. The Winners of the project exhibition and poster presentation were felicitated with Trophies and exciting cash prizes and certificates for all the participants.
Our Sincere thanks to our Management, Director of Suresh Angadi Education Foundation Dr. Spoorti Patil, Administrator of SAEF, Shri Raju Joshi and Principal, Dr. Anand Deshpande for their kind support and encouragement in conducting the event.


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

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0831 243 8123/100

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