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Industrial Visit to Shree Mahalaxmi ,Sugar Factory- Topinkatti, Khanapur.

Industrial Visit to Shree Mahalaxmi (Laila) Sugar Factory- Topinkatti, Khanapur.
Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science organized a One Day Industrial Visit to Shree Mahalaxmi (Laila) Sugar Factory- Topinkatti, Khanapur on 14th November 2022 for 3rd Semester students of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science.
A session on Networking was conducted by Mr. Sanjay Jeddar, EDP, HOD explaining about how networking is done in the entire industry and as to how data is collected and processed from all the departments and stored on to the server. Sir also explained about the IOT App used by the industry to get real time updates from growing of sugarcane, harvesting and getting it to the industry.
Mr. Manohar Killari, Personal Manager, toured our students through different sectors of the industry starting from Cane Weighing Machine, Crushing, Boiler, Making of Brown Sugar, Turning it to white sugar, Packaging, Storing and Warehouse.
Mr. Chetan Patil, Mr. Pavan K, Mr. Virupaxayya H and Miss Rekha Saboji, Assistant Professor’s from Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and Computer Science Engineering accompanied the students to the Industrial Visit.


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