0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in

Industrial Visit to GTTC, Belagavi

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Angadi Institute of Technology and Management -AITM , Belagavi organized Industrial Visit for 4th Semester students to GTTC, Belagavi on 17th of August 2023.
Students visited different labs like IOT, Automation, SAP, Robotics, 3D printing Lab and Electronics Lab and gained an exposure on the same. Accompanied by them were Prof. Avanti Patil, Prof. Vidyadhar Hanji and Prof. Pavan K.
Industrial Visits provides students with real-world exposure to the operations, processes, technologies, and work environments of different industries.


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

Phone :
0831 243 8123/100

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