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Inauguration of Belagavi ACM & Student Chapter

Inauguration of Belagavi ACM Chapter and AITM ACM Student Chapter at Angadi Institute of Technology & Management – AITM Marks a Milestone in Technological Advancement
The inauguration ceremony of the Belagavi Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Chapter, in conjunction with the Angadi Institute of Technology and Management (AITM) ACM Student Chapter, was successfully conducted on March 11th, 2024, at the premises of Angadi Institute of Technology and Management-AITM, Belagavi.
The event witnessed a confluence of esteemed dignitaries, scholars, and technology enthusiasts who came together to celebrate this momentous occasion. The chief guest for the function was Dr. Udaya Shankar Puranik, Director of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity at MGI, USA, whose expertise and insights added significant value to the proceedings.
The inauguration ceremony witnessed enlightening speeches by distinguished guests, highlighting the importance of such academic and professional associations in fostering innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing in the field of computing.
The event was presided by Director of Suresh Angadi Education Foundation, Dr. Spoorti Patil, Principal & Director, AITM, Dr. Anand Deshpande, Dean Academics & HOD, CSE, Dr. Dhanashree Kulkarni, Belagavi ACM Chapter Representative, Prof. Gajendra Deshpande, Dr. Veena Desai, Professor, Dept of CSE, AITM, all staff and students of AITM.
Dr. Udaya Shankar Puranik, in his keynote address, emphasized the pivotal role of technological advancements, particularly in the realms of AI and cybersecurity, in shaping the future landscape of industries and societies worldwide. He lauded the initiative taken by Belagavi ACM Chapter and AITM ACM Student Chapter in nurturing budding talents and providing them with a platform to thrive and excel in the dynamic field of computing.
The ceremony also featured the official unveiling of the chapter banner, symbolizing the commencement of a new era of collaboration and excellence in the realm of computing sciences. It was a moment of pride and honor for all the members associated with the chapters, signifying their commitment to academic and professional growth.
The inauguration of Belagavi ACM Chapter and AITM ACM Student Chapter marks a significant milestone in the journey of technological advancement and academic excellence in the region. It reflects the collective vision and commitment of the academic community towards nurturing future-ready professionals and contributing to the global technological landscape.
Our Sincere thanks to our Management, Director of Suresh Angadi Education Foundation Dr. Spoorti Patil, Administrator of SAEF, Shri Raju Joshi and Principal & Director, AITM, Dr. Anand Deshpande for their kind support and encouragement in conducting the event.


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