Inauguration of Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Agamana 2K23.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AITM.
The Inaugural ceremony of the Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was held on 18th March 2023. Mr. Chetan Bhaskar, Dupatane Business Development Manager, Siddhivinayak Transformer Private Limited, Belagavi was present as a chief guest on this occasion. Dr Anand Deshpande Principal and Director of AITM, Prof. AnilKumar Korishetti, Head of the department, EEE, Prof. Rajendra Ghivari, Association Coordinator and Miss Akshata Dange student coordinator presided the function.
The event marked the onset of department activities and also the fresher’s day of the third semester students of the 2023 batch. Head of the department, Prof. Anil Kumar Korishetti commenced the event with the welcome speech and shared the details about the association followed by the Introduction of the chief guest by Miss Varsha Oswal.
Mr Chetan B. Duptane shared the Knowledge on Manufacturing and Design of Transformers which was very informative to the students.
Department of EEE also Felicitated Dr. B.N. Patil, Faculty for the award of Doctorate he holds.
The MOC was done by Miss Akshata Badiger and the function concluded with the vote of thanks by Sushmita Boke and the event was graced by all Deans and Staff of AITM.
On this occasion we the department of Electrical and Electronics would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Spoorthi R. Patil, Director of SAEF, Shri Raju Joshi, Administrator, SAEF and Dr. Anand B. Deshpande, Principal & Director, AITM.
We extend our gratitude to Prof.Anilkumar C. Korishetti, HOD, EEE, AITM for their support and encouragement and all the faculties of EEE department and students for their presence and making the event successful.