Awareness program on “Intellectual Property Rights”
Angadi Institute of Technology and Management-AITM, Belagavi in association with National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM), an ambitious mission of the Govt. of India, organized an Awareness-program on “Intellectual Property Rights” on March 1st, 2023.
Dr. Abhishek Singh, Examiner of Patents and Design, NIPAM- Officer, Patent Office, Intellectual Properties (Min. of Commerce & Industry) was the resource person for the program. Sir briefed about the Intellectual Properties and its various aspects. Including the understanding of technical details, filing procedures, strength of the rights and further the working of Indian Intellectual Property Offices.
All the HOD’s, faculty and students of AITM participated in the program. Prof. Gururaj R. Kulkarni, Kapila Coordinator organized the program.